Fujitsu FM Towns Marty

Manufacturer: Fujitsu FM Towns
Model: Marty
Released: ?
Production ends: ?
Processor: Motorola 68030, 16 Bit
Mhz: ?
Co-Processor: ?
RAM: ?
ROM: ?
Data Medium: CD-ROM, Disc 3,5"
Games released: ?
Graphic: ?
Colors: ?
Sound: ?
Ports: Joypad, Keyboard, ?
Joypad: digital, 2 Firebuttons
Accessories: Keyboard
Powersupply: ?
Sold in: Japan
Launch price: ?
Sold Pieces: ?
Specials: CD-ROM and 3,5" Diskdrive build in, compatible to FM Towns Computer
Got own one from: -

For information about the Marty (or a Marty itselves) i will be thankfull!